The Importance of Adult Sunday School Classes
Mark 16:15, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
1. Jesus surrounded Himself with adults and especially men.
2. If you reach the adults, you naturally get their children.
3. You need adults to help reach the masses.
4. Sunday school is not just for children and teenagers.
5. We have many adult Sunday school classes.
6. Having many adult classes means many teachers will be reaching adults.
7. Teachers must be loyal role models.
8. Adult classes grow slower than children’s classes.
9. Let adult classes have their own individual attendance-building programs.
10. Have adult classes compete against each other.
11. Adult classes need to be taught that the church is more important than their class.
12. Successful adult classes will help your church financially.
13. Get a plan to revive existing classes.