May 4, 2019

The Owens’ family hope that this update finds you well. Mrs. Owens and I are grateful to have good health, physically, emotionally and spiritually! God has been very good to us. We are pleased to say we now have eight wonderful grandchildren. It is very true that grandchildren are wonderful gifts from God that are rewards from Heaven! We very much enjoy our home in beautiful New Bern North Carolina.
I am blessed to be called Pastor of the dear folks of TRBC. I love watching people grow in the Lord and it’s thrilling to help people like we get to. I also enjoy traveling and helping other Pastors and other churches. What a tremendous blessing!
Mrs. Owens has become an avid quilter and is extremely creative and capable at her craft. She will be hosting our ladies annual Mother Daughter – Friendship Banquet in just a few days and is doing a fabulous job of leading the ladies of our church in their spiritual growth.
Our family has an annual tradition. We all take a one-week vacation together. This includes my wife and I, our four children, their spouses and all the grandchildren and often my parents. This year, there will be 20 of us. Every day on this vacation we usually start the morning with a huge family breakfast. Most days we go bowling as a group in the morning time. Then each individual family unit is responsible for preparing one of the evening meals at the timeshare. May I say, this meal becomes a little competitive and is always delightful and delicious. We attend church together as a group and in some cases show up at a small country church and virtually double their morning attendance by our presence… LOL! We will take that vacation this year in the month of June and our clan is ecstatic about the event. Our family loves one another and we surely enjoy our time together. This year we plan to have a huge family picture taken and I’m sure it will be cherished now and for generations to come. We all continue to serve God and try to glorify Him!