I Hate Matching Socks

I Hate Matching Socks

Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

DUTY may be the most important word in the entire Christian language concerning our service for God.

Practice Duty In Your Marriage
Practice Duty In Your Child Rearing
Practice Duty In Your Church Attendance
Practice Duty In Your Soul Winning
Practice Duty In Your Bible Reading
Practice Duty In Your Prayer Life
Practice Duty With Your Bus Route
Practice Duty With Your Sunday School Class
Practice Duty In Your Home
Practice Duty Concerning Your Separated Lifestyle

When the day comes (and it will come) when doing what you are supposed to do is no longer exciting to you and you no longer want to do it, but you do it because it is right, it is then that you have become a good Christian.